Thursday, April 7, 2016

So, I started watching Kamen Rider Gaim. It's my 1st Kamen Rider series to date (not counting episode 1 of Wizard that I watched to see if I should start there). I don't know what I expected, it's basically live action anime. I got a laugh out of the dumb engrish from the belt, it doesn't seem like too much. Unlike Wizard, where it seemed like the belt could easily be talking over itself with how much it had to say.
 Back to Gaim, I feel that most of Gaim's wackiness comes from the fact that everyone is just fruit.

"Orange Arms: The Path of Blossoms to the Stage!"
And then, just like in an anime, every character has  their own weird moral beliefs, like when Kouta's sister didn't want to take the money he got from being a beat rider because he "didn't make people" happy like that" and so it wasn't a real job. I could only say "Yeah, nobody except the hundreds of people cheering them on and wanting them to hit the top of the charts." Overall, I'm really into it. Just hit episode 9 as of writing this. I am aware that this is still before things really pick up.

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